A possibly useful feature that may take me a little time to make happen and perfect:
A way our friends and neighbors can help identify the plants in our neighborhood.
We encourage people to send us photos of unfamiliar plants in their immediate neighborhood. Possibly just an email to plants@ourposterity.org.
Under each photo, site visitors may see red, yellow and green asterisks or this symbol, §.
A green asterix indicates that the identity of at least one plant in the photo has been confirmed. The yellow, that at least one plant has been tentatively identified. The red that at least one plant may have been mistakenly identified.
Clicking on an asterisk below a plant would take a person to a page with information on the plants in that photo that have been tentatively identified, whose identity has been confirmed, or where a plant or plants may have been mis-identified.
If no plant in a photo has been identified, a person clicking the § below a photo will open an email addressed to plants@ourposterity.org, an address that can be used to submit a tentative identification.
There are, of course, apps out there that can ID plants. That seems a lot less fun to me. Do I really want to get to know an app better. Getting people together, that seems a more worthwhile goal.
For features like this plant identification feature, or the cluster scavenger hunt contest people will have to login.
For privacy protection, I strongly urge people get a free Protonmail account and use an login-name when registering at sites on the Internet.
Protonmail accounts are quite secure. They are HIPAA compliant if the organization (hospital, group practice, etc.) has a HIPAA compliant mail system. Protonmail by default blocks a number of tracking technologies that aren't always helpful.
Protonmail was developed by people working at CERN, the European research center where Tim Berners-Lee was working when he came up with HTML, the "computer language" that formed the basis of the World Wide Web.
Comments, suggestions greatly appreciated!