A Relaxing Contest
Fun and easy to set up.
People in Mount Pleasant Village cluster boundaries (who need not be Mount Pleasant Village members) submit photos of details of homes and gardens in Mount Pleasant that are unique, and can be associated with an address, but will take some looking about to find.
These photos are presented on a contest page and cluster groups compete to find the photographed items.
This idea came to me after I realized that so many of the photos I had taken were from only a few streets in Mount Pleasant, on routes I usually take. What's nice about getting people in cluster areas working together to submit photos is that the photos will be coming from all over Mount Pleasant.
I imagine the hunt would start with many photos and a contest would stay open for a month or longer.
Because many of the photos likely will be of fragments of homes and gardens not owned by people who are members of Mount Pleasant Village, there's a good likelihood that, properly publicized, a contest would provide opportunities for Mount Pleasant Village members to meet with neighbors they have yet to meet.
My big hope is that this contest will get more people out walking together. This may be a fantasy. I haven't been here long enough to get to know many people in Mount Pleasant. I suspect that here, as in most places, whether an initiative succeeds often depends on who proposes the initiative and how the initiative is proposed. Both best in the hands of people with deep roots in the community.
Lots of "bells and whistles" and variations possible.
For example, in one way of playing, a map with colored markers indicate which groups have found what their photos depict. Note: People in a cluster are not permitted to identify photos their cluster has submitted). Alternately, groups don't disclose their finds until the end of the contest, or finds are disclosed in intervals.
Scoring is based in part by which cluster group identifies the most locations, with a penalty for clusters whose selections were to difficult (i.e. not found at all, and/or took much more time to find than the photos submitted by other clusters).
The photos used in the contest can be a detail from a larger photo.